• #freelancer
  • #web-dev
  • #cloud
  • #trainer
S. Schleu

Sandro Schleu *Schmid

I equip you with your individual digital toolbox.

Web Development

Interactive websites, apps and data visualizations — platform independent and always available.

Cloud Engineering

Automatically scaling IT-infrastructure — worldwide, secure and cost-effective.

Need a Software Engineer?

I am looking forward to your project inquiry!

Boost Innovation

Realize projects instead of looking for staff

I support your project with my expertise as full-stack web developer and cloud engineer.

  • Interactive web-apps and visualisations
  • Cost-effective, highly-available IT-infrastructure

On-demand Expertise

Flexibility without cumbersome recruiting

Freelancing saves you recruiting processes. As soon as a new project is planned, we agree on the project duration and fee and off you go. Without any commitment.

Cost-effective Engineering

High quality, healthy budgets

It is well known that employees are very expensive. Freelancers only charge for the actual working hours - no additional non-wage labor costs and absences.


  • Interactive websites — your digital business card.
  • SaaS-solutions — innovative apps for your customers.
  • Digital processes — Save time and money with smart workflows.
  • Cloud — Cost effective IT infrastructure that scales with your projects
  • Freelancing — Flexible addition to your engineering team.

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Digital products that your users will love

The web, especially interactive apps & visualizations, are my specialty.


The business card in a digital world

Generate leads and revenue with blazing fast and user friendly websites. Your website is your digital business card, its the first impression you leave on leads and your prime communications channel for your customers.

Interactive Apps

Desktop-Apps are a thing of the past

Digitization does not simply mean writing emails instead of letters. From automated processes and efficient customer communication to interactive visualizations. The possibilities are endless.


Release when and how you want

Web applications are platform-independent — program once and use everywhere. What’s more, there are no app stores, a.k.a. US monopolies, telling you what your apps can do or even interfere with your revenue.


Learn more

Lean back and relax - your software performs.

I have multiple AWS certifications and am happy to pass on my knowledge.

Scale up big time

Building global presence

connected world

Do you want to up new markets? No problem! Do you want to ensure that your data is stored securely and in compliance with the law and can be accessed anywhere? That goes without saying!

Availability & resilience

Software that doesn't back down

server down

Running software is a science in itself. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we build on existing cloud infrastructure — the needed infrastructure is ready on demand without long-term investments or additional staff.

Beyond hardware

High degree of innovation

Cloud Service Provider (CSPs) do valuable groundwork in a wide variety of areas — be it security, IoT or, of course, AI. All of which benefits you, as you can utilize those as your own features with much less research & development effort.

Cost-effective and safe

Sleep peacefully at last

Admittedly, the cloud can be very expensive. However, in contrast to your own data centers, you remain flexible and have countless opportunities to optimize costs. Especially when it comes to physical and digital security, thanks to the cloud, you don’t have to lay the foundations and can fast-forward directly to product development.

Get in touch!

I am currently available for new projects.
  • Full-stack Web Developer
  • Consultant & Trainer for Cloud
S. Schleu

Sandro Schleu, MSc