• #freelancer
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S. Schleu


This website is owned and operated by Sandro Schleu, MSc, a software engineer/freelancer based in Linz, Austria. Its purpose is primarily to present the offered products and services.


Social Media

The information on this page is applicable to our entire business including but not limited to our online presence.

Data policy

For information regarding our use of data, please refer to the data policy.

Company Information

Disclosure requirements according to §14 UGB, §5 ECG and §25 Abs 5 MedienG:

Companycloudschmiede e.U.
Company- & media ownerSandro Sebastian Schleu, BSc MSc
Legal formSole Proprietorship
Tax Identification NumberATU80142613
Corporate Register NumberFN 620775f
Jurisdiction Landesgericht Linz
Profession Services in Automatic Data Processing and Information Technology
Firmensitz & GeschäftsanschriftPeter-Behrens-Platz 10, c/o factory 3000 GmbH, 4020 Linz, Austria
Professional Association WKO Oberösterreich, professional group UBIT, see also WKO Firmen A-Z
RegulatorsMunicipal administration Linz
Legal basesrefer to ris.bka.gv.at, trade regulations


The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Any further processing, storage, reproduction, commercial use or disclosure to third parties is not permitted in any form without explicit written consent.

The availability of this website is in no way guaranteed. We reserve the right to update the website in whole or in part at any time without prior notice or to take it offline permanently or temporarily.

Even if personal designations only explicitly mention one gender, all persons of all genders are always addressed equally.


All information is provided without guarantee. No liability is assumed for the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information available on our website.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee or liability that this website and its contents are fully operational and fully functional. Regardless of the cause, any liability in relation to the use or unavailability of the website and its content is excluded.

External links lead exclusively to websites which, to the best of our knowledge, are reputable. Again, no liability is assumed for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness or availability of external resources.

Copyrights & Licences